2021 Bosque Fall Color Sessions Now Open - Book Here
Book Your Session and Reserve Your Date
Here is the Aug 17th, 2021 health mandate with updates:
Do We have to wear masks?
Upon arrival, Yes, even for outdoor sessions. Due to the close proximity of the meet and greet and check-in, all children over the age of two must arrive and check-in wearing a multi-layered, non-vented mask until your call time. Please use hand sanitizer upon arrival, sign in, and stay masked until your session begins. At that point, after check-in, participants actively in the session can take masks off and we should be able to maintain social distancing for the remainder of the session.
How many people can be in the sessions? Can Grandparents come?
Up to 5 people may participate in full outdoor sessions (Extended family outside your household are not allowed for mini-sessions, but are allowed for full sessions where we have more space to move around). The only exception to the 5 people rule is when more than 5 people live in your household.
Can I bring my dog?
If you want to book an outdoor family session at a location that allows dogs, then absolutely! But they must remain on a leash at all times and an extra handler, not participating in photos to help. The dog and handler count toward the 5 "person" limit.
What happens if one of my kids gets sick?
We recommend limiting all exposure points in the 2 weeks prior to your session to make sure no one gets sick. Temperatures will be checked upon arrival as well as a health screening. Your household will not be allowed to participate if anyone else in the household has symptoms of sickness within 2 days of your session, or was potentially exposed to a positive case of COVID within 2 weeks of your session. Please refer to Terms below. There is no penalty or fee to reschedule for sickness or potential covid exposure. You will need a doctor's clearance or negative test to reschedule.
TERMS: Due to COVID, we have strict restrictions for participation, following the Center for Disease Control's and WHO's recommendations. Please note that if anyone in your household has a fever of 100 or more, croup, cough, sore throat, nasal discharge, had any COVID symptoms defined by the CDC (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/clinical-guidance-management-patients.html), has thrown up, or has had diarrhea in the two days prior to the event, or been in contact with anyone testing positive for covid or had a positive case at their school, child care, work, gym, or home within 2 weeks prior to your session, your entire household will not be allowed to participate. Please keep your kids away from contagion in the weeks before the event. Masks and social distancing are required for all persons 2+ years old as local health mandates require. If you are not able to participate due to sickness or any other emergency or situation, you can use your Session Creation Fee and any package selected and paid to reschedule for another available date up to 1 year in the future.
Please note that we are shooting outdoors on uneven ground such as gravel, river rocks, and a steep hill. You certify that you are over 18 years of age entering into this agreement. You acknowledge that the Session Creation Fee is non-refundable; give permission for images from this session to be posted to Facebook and other media, and used for future advertising; acknowledge that the studio is available as a backup location to vaccinated individuals in the event of bad weather; agree to dress your family in proper clothing and footwear for the weather and outdoor activities; acknowledge that bathrooms will not be available; accept all risks, release from liability, indemnify, and hold harmless Ell Photography LLC, Kira King Design LLC, photographer and any of its employees, agents, or property representing or related to event, including any and all liability for personal injuries (including disease or death) and property losses or damage occasioned by, or in connection with any activity or accommodations for this event; agree to abide by all the rules and regulations promulgated where event will occur, by hosts, city ordinances, and health mandates.
Do We have to wear masks?
Upon arrival, Yes, even for outdoor sessions. Due to the close proximity of the meet and greet and check-in, all children over the age of two must arrive and check-in wearing a multi-layered, non-vented mask until your call time. Please use hand sanitizer upon arrival, sign in, and stay masked until your session begins. At that point, after check-in, participants actively in the session can take masks off and we should be able to maintain social distancing for the remainder of the session.
How many people can be in the sessions? Can Grandparents come?
Up to 5 people may participate in full outdoor sessions (Extended family outside your household are not allowed for mini-sessions, but are allowed for full sessions where we have more space to move around). The only exception to the 5 people rule is when more than 5 people live in your household.
Can I bring my dog?
If you want to book an outdoor family session at a location that allows dogs, then absolutely! But they must remain on a leash at all times and an extra handler, not participating in photos to help. The dog and handler count toward the 5 "person" limit.
What happens if one of my kids gets sick?
We recommend limiting all exposure points in the 2 weeks prior to your session to make sure no one gets sick. Temperatures will be checked upon arrival as well as a health screening. Your household will not be allowed to participate if anyone else in the household has symptoms of sickness within 2 days of your session, or was potentially exposed to a positive case of COVID within 2 weeks of your session. Please refer to Terms below. There is no penalty or fee to reschedule for sickness or potential covid exposure. You will need a doctor's clearance or negative test to reschedule.
TERMS: Due to COVID, we have strict restrictions for participation, following the Center for Disease Control's and WHO's recommendations. Please note that if anyone in your household has a fever of 100 or more, croup, cough, sore throat, nasal discharge, had any COVID symptoms defined by the CDC (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/clinical-guidance-management-patients.html), has thrown up, or has had diarrhea in the two days prior to the event, or been in contact with anyone testing positive for covid or had a positive case at their school, child care, work, gym, or home within 2 weeks prior to your session, your entire household will not be allowed to participate. Please keep your kids away from contagion in the weeks before the event. Masks and social distancing are required for all persons 2+ years old as local health mandates require. If you are not able to participate due to sickness or any other emergency or situation, you can use your Session Creation Fee and any package selected and paid to reschedule for another available date up to 1 year in the future.
Please note that we are shooting outdoors on uneven ground such as gravel, river rocks, and a steep hill. You certify that you are over 18 years of age entering into this agreement. You acknowledge that the Session Creation Fee is non-refundable; give permission for images from this session to be posted to Facebook and other media, and used for future advertising; acknowledge that the studio is available as a backup location to vaccinated individuals in the event of bad weather; agree to dress your family in proper clothing and footwear for the weather and outdoor activities; acknowledge that bathrooms will not be available; accept all risks, release from liability, indemnify, and hold harmless Ell Photography LLC, Kira King Design LLC, photographer and any of its employees, agents, or property representing or related to event, including any and all liability for personal injuries (including disease or death) and property losses or damage occasioned by, or in connection with any activity or accommodations for this event; agree to abide by all the rules and regulations promulgated where event will occur, by hosts, city ordinances, and health mandates.